Agence Turkish Airlines à Kiev en Ukraine

Agence Turkish Airlines à Kiev, la capitale ukrainienne, ouverte du lundi à vendredi de 09h00 à 18h00, le samedi de 09h00 à 13h00.


19, rue Pushkinskaya. APT.1 P.O.B.540 Kiev 01001 Ukraine

Tel:   +38 044 490 59 33

Fax:  +38 044 278 41 03

Commentaires (1)


  1. Felix C. POUDEU dit :


    we are looking travel with a new born and we would like to know if we can check in with the acte of birth only as an identification document of the new birth.

    We would appreciate any of your feedback.


    Mr. Felix C. POUDEU
    TEL; 00380 939530287

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